Q & A With SubtomiK

SubtomiK is a 17 year old producer from Southern California who just dropped a trap EP that puts a lot of his contemporaries to shame. Be sure to stream SubtomiK’s brand new if you haven’t already and find out more about  this up-and-comer in the Q & A that follows.

So who is SubtomiK ?
Good question haha I guess you can say SubtomiK is your typical spirited, outgoing high school kid but yet instead of hanging out with his friends and going out all the time, spends most hours of his days behind the computer screen with a pair of headphones making music, enjoying his true passion and focusing on his future.

Besides music, what are you into?
Besides music I’m really into photo editing, I do my own cover art and sometimes I’ll just edit random photos for fun. Growing up I was always a fan of artwork so in my spare time you can catch me doodling or playing around with some art designs as well as being a huge anime and video game nerd haha.

How did you get into making music?
I first got into music when I was about 9 I got my first guitar as a birthday present and from then on I knew all I wanted to do was play music. To this day I still play guitar aside from making EDM.

What got you into EDM?
A friend did actually a few years back before dubstep had all of the hype it does now and at the same time I was getting into EDM. I’ve always been a fan of discovering underground music so I guess you could say my curiosity is what led me to truly falling in love with the genre.

It’s incredible that you are only 17 years old…Do you think your young age is a hinderance at all?
Honestly I don’t, I mean if you look at Madeon and Porter Robinson and several other EDM producers, they started off young! I think the earlier you start the better because it just adds to your years of experience.

Top 3 favorite trap artists?
My top 3 favorite would have to be UZ, Bro Safari, and most definitely Flosstradamus, I saw them live at SnowGlobe2012 and man did they put on a show! Still hoping to see UZ and Bro Safari some day soon though!

Your new EP is all trap music. Are you permanently going in this direction away from Electro House or are you going to continue to explore different genres?
No way could I stick to only one genre I love too many different styles of music, but yes I am going to continue to explore different genres but still keeping up with making electro and dance tracks and I just recently started making trap music so we’ll see where that takes us but I have a good feeling about continuing with it. It’s hard to say ahead of time it all really comes down to what I feel like making when I sit down and create a new track.

What does 2013 have in store for SubtomiK ?
Lots of singles, some new EPs, collaborations, speaking of which I’m currently working on a collab with , check him out he’s dope! I also hopefully want a music video done and just all around new experiences cause you know it’s all about having fun with what you do! Just really trying to push my name out there and get my music heard by people all over. So I’ll be working hard that’s for sure!

Final words?
I want to go ahead and thank all of my supporters, friends, fans and family that have helped me get where I am right now and I hope to only aspire and go up from here. This is just the beginning for SubtomiK, no telling what’ll happen or where I’ll be in a few years.


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