Cup List

Registration Overview

Evolve Tournament Registration

Registration Walkthrough

Reminder: this is simply a way to sign up for the cup. Remember to come back on February 21st at 11:00AM Pacific when the check in process happens. You must check in to the cup to be entered into the bracket!

1) Create an account or log in via Facebook:
- Residence: Must reside in the continental United States
- Age: Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Date of Birth Format: Day/Month/Year
- Xbox Gamertag: Must be added under gameaccounts.

2) Create a team and invite your friends:
- Teams must have exactly 4 players.
- All members must meet the above account requirements.
- In order to add players to your team you will need to use the “Invite players to your team” link on your Team Admin Center. Access this page by going to your team profile and clicking the “Team Control Center” link at the bottom.

3) Register your team for the CHAPPiE Challenge:
- Registering your team here will lock your roster.
- Remember to check in on the 21st of February!