Going up on a Tuesday vs. Two Pumps and Apologize
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 Going up on a Tuesday
 Two Pumps and Apologize
Status: closed
MatchID 31086808
Date Saturday, 21/02/15 15:00
Calculated 21/02/15 16:15
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Result Media 
0 : 2
Two Pumps and Apologize wins !
Points 0 : +2
Two Pumps and Apologize




comments (8)
Were ready
Who's leader? We'll invite. Let me know your monster
Were ranked above you sir therefore we choose, teamdub48
So what is it? Let's get this rollin.
OK its teamdub48
haha no, are you guys going hunters or monster first? We've got a lobby set up for if you go monster, if you go hunters invite me (TMcKfly)
What's going on with your 4th player?
Good games man, that shit was super intense. Awesome Wraith.
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