Furnaces help keep your house warm and comfortable. However, you need to know how to look after it in the proper manner. Otherwise, you may find yourself having trouble with it in no time. If you’re unsure how essential furnace maintenance is, you should check out CM Heating. Here are five important tips to help lower your energy bill, while staying comfortable.

Lower the Thermostat Temperature

One of the first steps to lowering your energy bill is setting your thermostat to a lower temperature. If you’re like most people, you’ve set your thermostat at 60 degrees for years now – but that’s not what’s best for your home or wallet. That extra heating bill will cost you hundreds of dollars a year.

Setting your thermostat to 50 degrees will save money and help keep your home comfortable. Another thing to consider is using natural light as much as possible. This helps reduce energy costs by keeping lights turned off when they’re not needed.

Insulate Windows

Insulating your windows prevent heat from escaping, meaning less money is spent on heating and cooling costs. If you’re worried about the cost of keeping your home warm during winter, insulating your windows is a great way to save money without sacrificing comfort!

You can insulate your windows in several ways:

  • Using double-pane glass with an air gap between them (this will reduce heat loss by 50%).
  • Using foam insulation around the perimeter of each window frame.
  • Using a spray-foam insulation material around the entire frame.

Water Heater Temperature

Many people don’t realize that their water heater is one of the biggest energy hogs in their homes. In fact, 20% of the average home’s energy usage is for heating water. This means by simply adjusting the temperature on your water heater; you could save a significant amount on your energy bill this winter.

Most people have their water heater set to 140 degrees, but you can lower it to 120 degrees and still have plenty of hot water for showers and dishes. For every 10 degrees that you lower, you’ll save about 3-5% on your energy bill.

Use Insulated Curtains

If your home is like most, it’s likely that you’re already spending a lot of money on heating. Insulated curtains are one of the easiest ways to save money on heating costs. These curtains trap air and prevent it from escaping through gaps or holes in the fabric.

Insulated curtains also provide insulation against heat loss, so they help keep your home warmer in the winter months. In addition, these curtains also help keep your home cooler in the summer months by trapping cool air inside instead of allowing it to escape through the fabric.

Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can save you money by automatically adjusting the temperature based on your daily routine. For example, if you typically leave for work at 8 am, the thermostat can be set to turn down the heat when you leave and turn it back up when you’re due to arrive home. That way, you’re not wasting energy heating an empty house.


Smart thermostats can also be controlled remotely using a smartphone or tablet, so you can ensure your home is always at a comfortable temperature – no matter where you are. This winter, save yourself money and upgrade to a smart thermostat. Your wallet will thank you.


Most of these tips are easy to practice and should help you significantly reduce your energy cost. Giving these tips a try won’t require any significant sacrifices on your part and can make a difference in helping the environment and saving your hard-earned money.

Noah Jones

Noah Jones

Noah Jones, with a decade-long journey in environmental sciences, graduated from the University of Colorado. His passion for ecological preservation led him to contribute to several leading green initiatives. Joining our platform in 2018, Noah's insights stem from his hands-on experience in ecological projects and his deep understanding of sustainable practices. When not exploring new environmental technologies, he enjoys hiking and photography, capturing the beauty of nature that he ardently works to preserve.

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