The human pressure on natural resources is rising at an alarming speed. There is no need to explain what could be the environmental and social consequences unless we don’t reduce energy overconsumption.

So, people are thinking about energy efficiency now more than ever. Also, they realize that green solutions aren’t only clean, but also cheap. For sure, green technology needs some investment in the beginning, but it usually pays off in the long run, through cheaper utility bills.

Therefore, if you would like to make your home greener in the future, here are some smart moves you can make in that direction, with minimum costs.

Use LED Bulbs

LED bulbs are great for two main reasons. First of all, they last much longer than the traditional bulbs. One LED bulb will work 25 times longer than the common bulb. Secondly, their energy consumption is way lower: they consume 75% less energy. You do the maths as to how that translates to your electricity bills.

Usually, people think about LED bulbs as unpleasantly white, making rooms look like futuristic space shuttles. Luckily, you can also buy yellow LED bulbs, that have exactly the same warm color as the traditional ones.

Good Old Solar Panels

For most people, solar panels are probably one of the most recognized symbols of clean energy. Solar panels are systems installed on roofs or wherever it is sunny, turning the free and abundant sunlight into electricity.

If you search for solar panel companies near me on your favorite browser, you can compare pricing to find an affordable option. The fascinating part? In select countries, you can sell excess electricity back to the national grid.

If you have a pool in your yard, you would probably want to consider introducing solar panels. They are the most cost-effective way to heat a swimming pool.

Improve Insulation

Although costly at first, tucking your entire house or apartment will pay itself multiple times over the years.

However, finding remaining exposed areas, such as the attic, and providing them with insulation is a way of doing the same job at a smaller scale. Is there maybe a draft between the joists and the perimeter? Also, it is often the case that the attic door doesn’t fit well. You want to fix that if you don’t want hot air leaving the house in winter, or getting inside during the summer.

Buy a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats are a great contribution to a smart and greener home.

These amazing devices will allow you to control heating and cooling systems from your phone. The contemporary smart thermostats are extremely proficient and useful. They can recognize if someone is in the room, and heat the room only while it is occupied.

Also, these devices can adjust the heating/cooling according to the outside and inside temperatures or time of the day. For example, you wouldn’t need to worry about reducing heating in the evening as the system will do that automatically after 10 p.m.

Smart Tricks to Reduce Air Conditioning Bills During Summer

During the summer, you could considerably reduce air conditioning in a room with thick curtains. If they cover the whole window, they could completely block the sunlight from entering the room, thus keeping a significantly low temperature.

This works particularly well if you leave the windows wide open during the night. Thus, the cool air will enter the room at night, while curtains will keep it that way during the day.

Otherwise, you could also install window adornments, blinds, and drapes.

Finally, using shrubbery and plants has multiple benefits as well. The leaves and branches create natural shade that blocks the sunlight. On the other hand, the smell of the earth is proven to reduce stress, while the green color heals eye fatigue.

Get a Water Blanket

Don’t worry, water blanket is not some weird duvet cover. It is an insulation layer for your water heater. It helps the water inside the heater stay hot for a longer period of time. In turn, the heater doesn’t need to run constantly, warming up the water over and over again. Again, it all results in lower energy consumption.

Adopt Green Habits

As previously mentioned, the water heater is made to run every single time you use hot water. Regardless of how small the consumption is, the heater will warm up everything over and over again. So, it is a good idea to organize your chores in such a way that you do everything that needs hot water at the same time.

For example, you could do the laundry, the dishwasher, and take a shower at the same time.

Noah Jones

Noah Jones

Noah Jones, with a decade-long journey in environmental sciences, graduated from the University of Colorado. His passion for ecological preservation led him to contribute to several leading green initiatives. Joining our platform in 2018, Noah's insights stem from his hands-on experience in ecological projects and his deep understanding of sustainable practices. When not exploring new environmental technologies, he enjoys hiking and photography, capturing the beauty of nature that he ardently works to preserve.

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