Many of the items in our home aren’t used for mere decorative or practical purposes. In fact, many items carry significant spiritual or religious meaning, with their use meant to denote particular pillars of faith or celebrate religious festivals.

If you have paid a visit to a Judaica store online when shopping for a Shabbat candlestick, you will have no doubt noticed the incredible range and variety of products on offer. Sometimes, it can be difficult to make a decision in the face of so many choices. We’ve put together a guide with three tips for choosing the right Shabbat candlestick for you. Check it out below.

What are Shabbat Candles?

Shabbat candles are important items to those who practice Judaism. They are used to mark the approach of the Jewish holy day, the Sabbath, lit the evening before in preparation for this important time.

Traditionally, two Shabbat candles are lit on a Friday evening. After lighting, the person who lit them covers their eyes and gives a blessing. The tradition is incredibly old, thought to date back to the second century CE.

Do You Need Special Candlesticks?

The lighting of Shabbat candles is an important part of the Jewish faith, but you can, in fact, use any kind of candlestick as part of the tradition. However, given the importance of Shabbat candles, many people choose ornate, beautifully designed candlesticks to give the tradition the respect that it deserves. Some people make use of Shabbat candlesticks that have been passed down through their family as heirlooms, while others will buy their own from the incredible range available at online Judaica stores.

What Kind of Shabbat Candlestick Should You Choose?

Given the fact that you can use any kind of candlestick for Shabbat, choosing the right candlestick for you comes down to a matter of personal taste and preference. Choose candlesticks that compliment the overall style and décor of your interior space. This will create a consistent visual appearance that will impress your family, friends and guests.

Shabbat candles are often lit on the dining table. This gives you an opportunity to match your candles with your silver flatware. This can make your dining table and room look elegant and sophisticated and will show that you care and pay particular attention to the visual and decorative elements in your home.

Opting for a Shabbat set can be an excellent option. This will provide you with candlesticks and other items used to observe the tradition of Shabbat, including candle lighters, Kiddush Cups, and Challah Boards. As part of a set, all of these items will compliment each other and work to create a beautiful dining table arrangement.


Respecting the traditions of your faith properly is vital. In our modern busy lives, it’s important we take the time to connect to and maintain our cultural and religious history. Follow the tips that we’ve outlined in the guide above to choose the perfect Shabbat candlestick for you.

Leon Schneider

Leon Schneider

Sohel Khan is an amazing outdoor enthusiast who has been sharing his camping adventures and outdoor wisdom. He holds a BA in Environmental Science and has worked with various conservation NGOs. His expertise ranges from sustainable camping practices to wildlife conservation. His passion for the natural world extends beyond his professional life, as he is also an active participant in community environmental initiatives. In his free time, he enjoys photography and volunteering at local nature reserves.

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