Garage doors are one of the most frequently used technologies in the world – four times daily in a typical household. It is quite common that people do not notice the many hidden parts of their garage door while using the technology. This negligence can cause the garage door to become faulty.

One of the hidden parts of a garage door is an opener bracket. They are among those parts of the door that will need maintenance and replacement at some point during the garage door’s usage. To further elongate the use of opener brackets, users should maintain and check the door’s internal parts, openers, and interconnected parts regularly.

However, if the garage door still faces some issues, such as the one in the opener bracket, then calling a professional would be the best. It is better if those professionals have a background of expertise in garage door opener bracket repair and similar work. The company should have a reputable brand that you personally trust and can expect the optimum service.

What May Cause the Garage Door Opener Bracket Problem?

An opener bracket is a device that holds the arm to the garage door. This arm lifts and pulls the door open and shut. Lifting and pulling the garage door exerts a lot of pressure on the opener bracket. This causes the screws to get loose, which results in the bracket moving away from its original position. A loose opener bracket has the risk of crashing down the garage door at any given point.

The other reason for the opener bracket problem is the wear and tear of the garage door. This could also happen when a vehicle crashes into the door causing damage to its structures. The most obvious signs of the opener bracket problem are the visible difference between the opener bracket and the door, a noisy garage door, and a loose opener bracket arm.

How to Fix the Garage Door Opener Bracket Problem

Fixing a garage door opener bracket is not as difficult as it sounds. Here is how you can do it by yourself without a costly service call:

Examine your door first

Try lifting the closed garage door while pulling the emergency release cord to see if it opens and shuts smoothly. However, if it doesn’t, then the problem is with the rollers and springs of your garage door rather than the opener bracket.

Make sure to always lift the door open after releasing the emergency release cord, as without doing so, the door could come crashing down on you. Plus, the chances of electrocuting yourself are also there if you don’t unplug the cord before opening the garage door.

Check to see if the door shuts down without holding the down-the-wall switch

If the garage door opens in a normal, regular way but shuts only when you press the down-the-wall switch on your keypad or remote control, then the problem may be with your safety sensors rather than the opener bracket.

To check if the safety sensor, which is the photo eye, is aligned or not, look for a small light on the sensor. If the infrared radiation of the sensor is blocked by any object in its alignment, then the door will not work smoothly. Removing those objects and wiping the dust off the lens of the sensors can solve your problem.

Check to see if the main drive gear of the garage door is toast/hot

The main drive gear of the garage door is made up of plastic which is in contact with a hot drive gear on the motor of the garage door. The warmth from the drive gear on the motor often causes the plastic drive gear to become hot or melt. The most common symptom of this is when you can hear the rattling noise of the garage door, but the door doesn’t move.

Changing and replacing the plastic drive gear is very complex, as you will have to remove several other components of the door before reaching the component that you actually want to change. However, there are many DIYs available on the internet guiding you on how to do it.

Check to see if the components of the opener bracket are tightened and even

After checking all of the above-mentioned things, you can finally perform some of these steps at your home before calling a professional for help:

  1. Tighten all the loose screws of the opener bracket with a screwdriver.
  2. Look for any dents on the opener bracket. If you find some dents, fix them up with a hammer, as they could be hindering the smooth function of your garage door.
  3. Align the opener brackets to ensure that they are not uneven. Uneven opener brackets can cause problems with the functioning of the garage door.

After you have tried and tested all the above-mentioned steps, and still the problem with your opener bracket is not solved, then it’s best to contact a professional garage door repairs.

Lily Bennett

Lily Bennett

Lily Bennett, with a Master's in Computer Science from MIT, began her career in tech journalism. Her deep understanding of telecommunications and internet services has made her a sought-after contributor to leading tech publications. She refined her skills as a software developer before transitioning to tech journalism. Lily is a classical music enthusiast in her leisure time and enjoys attending concerts. She is also a great hiker and loves exploring trails and capturing nature's beauty through her lens.

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